Secrets of Endurance

posted in: Motivation | 0

On March 23, 2019, Stutisheel Oleg Lebedev gave a presentation titled Secrets of endurance: how to motivate yourself for more at the Sportland Sport Club in Kiev. Stutisheel stressed that external solutions that help us increase our stamina and extend our … Continued

Ultra Races Calendar for 2019

posted in: Sport events | 0

There is only one perfect road. And it’s ahead of you, always ahead of you. ~ Sri Chinmoy The calendar for 2019 includes major ultra-long races around the world, which Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team is specialized on.  The highest level … Continued

3100 Mile Race Finished in New York

posted in: 3100-Mile Race | 0

The world’s longest certified “Self-Transcendence 3100 Mile Race “, held annually by the Sri Chinmoy Marathon team, ended at midnight on August 7th in the New York suburbs. 10 elite runners from 7 countries started the Race 52 days prior on June … Continued

3100 Race Start in 2018

posted in: 3100-Mile Race | 0

The 22nd annual Self-Transcendence 3100-Mile Race started in New York on June 17 at 6 am local time. There 10 runners from 7 countriesdoing the Race this year. To meet the 52 day deadline (August 7 midnight), runners need to … Continued