Secrets of Endurance

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On March 23, 2019, Stutisheel Oleg Lebedev gave a presentation titled Secrets of endurance: how to motivate yourself for more at the Sportland Sport Club in Kiev.

Stutisheel stressed that external solutions that help us increase our stamina and extend our performance are not difficult to figure out and experiment with. For example, special insoles, cushioning the impact of the runner’s step on a hard surface, sneakers selected individually for a certain pronation type, sport-specific vegetarian nutrition with emphasis on alkalization of the body, various vitamins, supplements, and so on. 

The cases of internal solutions, however, are much more interesting. They are rarely heard of from the top runners. Some of the examples would be ancient Sanskrit mantras on energy and health, the ability to develop positive approach and proper attitude for a long race or extreme event, and self-transcendence.

In fact, in ultra-long road races, swims and extreme starts, one who effectively applies crisis management, advances the furthest when things start to deviate from the original plan. Sometimes, this is completely unpredictable. And at the 3100-Mile Race with a 52-day cutoff time, anything can go wrong!

What Stutisheel calls the inner core helps the most. Meditation, which allows the flow of energy from within to operate in the physical body, supports the development of inner strength incredibly.

It turned out that Goltis (Vladimir Vuksta) was also one of the speakers at the Sportland event. Once, Stutisheel presented him his book, My first 3100 Miles. At this meeting, Stutisheel signed his latest book, Run. Journey. Become for Goltis as well.


Голтис и Олег Лебедев
Goltis and Stutisheel Oleg Lebedev

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