After running the Race in 2016, there was a big break in my 3100-Mile Races. In 2017, I decided to swim Lake Zurich (26.4 km) – it took 9 months of training, mastering Total Immersion and reaching a new level as a swimmer. (Swim report by the link)
In 2018, I failed to renew my visa and for three years I was denied the opportunity to participate in 3100-Miles in the USA. Then the catastrophe happened with covid and so far the only time the 3100-Mile Race was not held in New York was the start of the race in Salzburg in 2020. I did not take part because the organizers invited me to the start a week before the start :) But I shot 9 videos in place (videos in Russian, but interviews in English :)
In 2021, the visa issue was resolved and I started the 3100-Mile Race again – after a 5-year break!
The start was not very strong for me – I was constantly struggling with the red waterline of miles to meet the limit. But somewhere around 31 days, it became clear that I would not meet it … In 52 control days, I did 2741 miles. This was the fourth DNF out of my 13 starts (2010 – torn ligament on the 24th day, 2012, 2016 and 2021 – did not meet the 52 day limit).
The inspiration to report favorably came and I made 31 videos. Just 3 in English, the rest in in Russian
Results of the 25th edition of the 3100-Mile Self-transcendence Race, 2021
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