free consultations stutisheel Oleg lebedev

A free consultation service has been launched

posted in: Coaching | 0

Today, I’m thrilled to share some exciting news. A free consultation service has been launched for everyone facing sports challenges or seeking advice on planning and optimizing their workouts. Whether you need one-time assistance with a specific issue or are looking for recommendations on the direction, type of your workouts, or sports nutrition and vitamins, we are here to support you!

This service is your chance to receive professional advice from an experienced runner who has finished the famous 3100-Mile Race 10 times. Stutisheel Oleg Lebedev is ready to share his knowledge and experience to help you move towards your sports goals.

If you find our consultations beneficial and there is a steady demand, we plan to create a dedicated section for this service on the website. This will make it even easier for you to find answers to your questions and share your experience with others.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity!

Book your consultation now!

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