The annual Self-Transcendence 3100-Mile Race was called “The Mount Everest of ultra marathons” by The New York Times. This is the longest certified footrace in the world. Athletes are able to test themselves in a format unlike any other ultra-marathon event. They must average 59.6 miles per day – for 52 straight days – in order to reach 3100 miles. The surface is concrete sidewalks around a playground, ball fields, and the confines of a vocational high school, and all in a city neighbourhood setting. They must run these miles in an 18-hour daily format.
For an ultra race such as this, you cannot solely depend on the common sense of daily life. The greater the distance and running time, the more you need to look for the support from within, to use unconventional solutions and rely on intuition and inner feelings.
Currently there are 38 runners from 18 countries who have been able to cross the finish line of the 3100-Mile Race during its 19 editions.
In 2004, Stutisheel Lebedev from Kyiv became the first runner from the former Soviet countries to finish the Race. At present he is #16 in overall ranking and #3 by the number of finishes – 9.
If you are not aware of what you can do, this is the book for you. For your victories over the limitations, fear and impossibility. For your inspiration in becoming a true human being.
Table of Contents
Foreword •8
Your Own Style•15
Enjoying Every Moment•22
Adamantine Determination•24
Inner Cry•26
Follow Your Heart•29
Best Friends•34
Fulness of Life•38
Searching for the Solutions •43 Discoveries in Nutrition•49
Humour Is the Spice of Life•54
An Effective Relaxation•60
The Best Personal Example•65
Going Beyond Limits •69
Only One Power•79
Secrets Revealed•82
The Global Picture of Life•91
A Mystery of 3100-Miles•94
3100-Mile Race Ranking (1997-2015)•99
Ranking by Number of Finishes•100
Number of Finishes by the Country•101
Other Books by Stutisheel •102
BW and colour editions are available. Paperback and kindle format, 104 pages, April 2016.
ISBN-13: 978-1530888184
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