Month to start of the 3100 Mile Race in 2015

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Nineteenth edition of the 3100 Mile Race will take place during the period June 14 – August 4, 2015 with the deadline of 52 days. There are 12 runners from 8 countries in the starting list so far. They must average 59.6 miles per day in order to meet the deadline and to reach 3100 miles.

Few runners will be blogging during the even – we invite you to have first-hand experience of the “Everest of multiday running”.


Ashprihanal Aalto

Age 44, Helsinki Finland (2nd fastest all-time, 12 finishes, 7 wins)

One of the world’s best endurance runners, Ashprihanal has run 25 multidays in the last 18 years. He is an 12-time finisher of the 3100 Mile Race, the world’s longest footrace. He has finished first seven times, and is ranked second in the world only behind the indomitable Madhupran Wolfgang Schwerk.

Grahak Cunningham

Age 38,  Woodlands, Australia (3rd fastest all-time, 4 finishes, 1 win)

Grahak has completed the 3100 mile race four times, winning the 2012 event in a personal best of 43 days,10 hours, an average of 70+ miles per day. He is ranked third all-time. He is a motivational speaker who travels the country. He published a book online about his ultrarunning experiences.

Atmavir Petr Spacil

Age 37, Zlin, Czech Republic (7th fastest all-time, 7 finishes)

Atmavir has run 15 multidays with seven finishes in the 3100 miler, including 45 days+03:44:21 in 2009, his personal best. He is ranked seventh alltime in the race. He has won the 10 Day Race in a running career of over 20 years. He is currently in the food service business.


Yuri Trostenyuk

Age 50,  Vinnitsa, Ukraine (9th fastest all-time, 2 finishes)

Yuri has finished  the 3100 twice, with a second place  finish of 46 days+14 hours, a personal best by over four days. He is a four-time winner of the 10 Day Race, and has finished 12 multidays in 13 years of running, He works as a plumber in Vinnitsa.

Galya V Balatskyy

Age 43, Mariupol, Ukraine (0th fastest all-time, 2 finishes)

Galya has increased his long-distance resume in the last ten years. He is ranked ninth at 3100 miles with a time of 46 days+16:18:3, and has two finishes in that race. He has 10 day credentials of 660 miles (2008), and 481 miles for six days. He is a construction engineer.


Pranjal Milovnik

Age 42, Bratislava, Slovakia (13th fastest all-time, 10 finishes)

A multiday veteran, Pranjal has completed the 3100 miler ten times. His best is 47 days+04:19:49 in 2010. In 2005 he completed his first 3100 miler in 59 days,12 hours. Since then he has improved by over 12 days, an amazing result. He is ranked thirteenth all time for 3100 miles.

Vasu Duzhiy

Age 49, St. Petersburg, Russia (14th fastest all-time, 3 finishes, 1 win)   

Last year Vasu ran a personal best to finish third, reaching 3100 miles in 47 days +04:24:27. In 2013 he finished first for the 3100 miler. He has three finishes to his credit. He is now ranked 14th alltime for 3100 miles. He is studying with personal trainers to become certified.

Stutisheel Lebedyev

Age 45, Kiev, Ukraine (16th fastest all-time, 8 finishes)  

Another prolific multiday specialist, Stutisheel has completed eight 3100 mile races in ten attempts. His best is 48 days+03:57:19, an average of 64.36 miles per day, set just last year. He is ranked 16th all-time at 3100 miles. He is a motivational speaker and process improvement leader.

Surasa Mairer

Age 56, Vienna Austria (26th fastest all-time, 2 finishes)     

A veteran ultra runner whose career spans 20 years, Surasa has completed over 20 multidays. Her best for 3100 miles is 50 days+04:57:24.  She is the women’s world record holder for 1000 km, 700 miles, and 1300 miles, and has never lost to another woman in her multi-day racing career.

Nidhruvi Zimmerman

Age 49, Vienna, Austria (30th fastest all-time, 1 finish)

In her first attempt at 3100 miles in 2013, Nidhruvi reached the ‘Running Everest’ summit by finishing in 51 days+09:54:59. She happens to be one of the pioneers of multiday running. From 1995 to 2002 she ran eight multi-day races of high quality performance. Some of her bests are a 448 miles-six day split in a longer race and 1000 miles in 14 days, 22 hours in 1997.

Baladev Pavol Saraz

 Age 39, Komjatice, Slovakia (36th fastest all-time, 1 finish)

In 14 years of running Baladev has run 33 ultras, including 15 multidays. In 2009 the completed the 3100 Mile Race in 54 days+14:26:40. In 2007 he ran his best 10 Day Race with 636 miles. He has attempted the 3100 six times.

Nirbhasa Magee

 Age 35, Reykjavik, Iceland (Ireland)    

This will be the first attempt for Nirbhasa at 3100 miles. He has run five multidays, including 702 miles for 10 days last year. He has been running ultras for 14 years. He is a systems analyst and website overseer.

Kaneenika Janakova

Age 45, Bratislav, Slovakia      

Last year Kaneenika dominated the Ten Day Race with 727 miles, her second women’s course record. She has won the women’s crown in that event five times, including an overall victory. In twenty years of running, Kaneenika has completed fifteen multidays and 32 ultras. Her bests include 443 miles for six days, 727 miles in 10 days, and 1000 miles in 15 days, 19 hours.

Official Race Site 

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