Motivational talk in Florida

Unlock your potential! Motivational lecture in Florida, USA

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Motivational talk in Florida, USA

A lot of time has passed since my last news…

The war in my native Ukraine has made a significant impact, and I did not feel like speaking or commenting on anything.

Thankfully, my family and I were able to move to Europe and then to the United States, where we could dream and plan for the future again. But the war pushed me to live in the present moment, as there may not be a next moment or “tomorrow.”

After moving to New York, I realized that I could train and compete in the 3100-mile race – my 14th start! In 2022, the race was shifted to the fall, from September 5th to October 26th. I finished two hours before the deadline on the 52nd day of the race, my 10th finish at 3100 miles!

Despite most days going well with around 65 miles/105 kilometers, there were a few crises and dramas. One runner out of 11 fell ill with COVID the day before the race, and I had a scare on the 5th day with suspected COVID. I lost 12 hours of running time while waiting for test results, but I managed to catch up with my schedule in just twelve days.

There were also cold, pouring rain for a week when New York caught the tail end of a hurricane from Florida. Even the organizers were depressed. One day, I had to leave five hours early as I was too cold and soaked.

On the thirtieth day, I developed shin split and walked for four days, losing quite a few miles. Despite the setbacks and crises, I finished the race around 10 pm on the 52nd day. It took me seven years to reach my tenth finish, with my previous one in 2015.

I am gradually putting my thoughts into writing, and there may be a new book soon. As always, there is much to share and plenty of experiences to discuss.

In the meantime, I would like to share a video of my recent meeting in Florida – “Unlock Your Potential!”

Until we meet again,

p.s. Although I did not provide any public video updates this time, you can view my race data on Strava – my Garmins recorded every one of the 5469 laps ✌🏻

I am also including a link to the Quantitative Leap or Breakthrough original approach, that I was mentioning during my talk

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