Yuri Trostenyuk from Ukraine won the 3100-Mile Race 2016

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The deadline of 52 days of the world’s longest certified footrace fell on August 9th this year. Yuri Trostenyuk from Ukraine crossed the finish line first after 46 days, 1 hour, 10 minutes and 25 seconds. Only about 2 hours later the second runner finished – Ashprihanal Aalto from Finland. Ashprihanal hold the 3100 mile race world record that he set just last year.

Petro Poroshenko, the President of Ukraine, congratulated Yuri on his social media page, all of with Volodymyr Groysman, Ukrainian Prime-minister.


Due to extremely hot and humid weather that was the hottest for the New York city since 2002, 3100-Mile Race in 2016 was definitely not easy. Two runners, who started for the first time, both got injured and dropped out after a few weeks of the race. Five more runners did not manage to meet the deadline. Overall, just 5 runners out of 12 have successfully completed the distance of 3100 miles. Among the 5 finishers is Kaneenika Janakova from Slovakia, and this was her first finish!


3100-Mile Race 2016 complete results


You can see the complete history of the race on Stutisheel’s blog.

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