Family start in different countries

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September 11th came out to be a very active day for our Swan family.

To start with, my father Dmytro Lebedev participated in a classical marathon distance 26 miles in Vilnius, Lithuania. He crossed the finish line in 3 hours and 27 minutes. And he is 75 years young!! This is his marathon data from GPS Garmin watch.

My daughter started in Ventura half-marathon near Los Angeles. She aimed at sub 2h time and did it! 1:57. This is her half-marathon data.

And I had start in duathlon near New York City for the second year in the row: 1K of swimming and 10K of running. I improved my time by 5 minutes – quite good self-transcendence! 1K swim in 21:27 and 10K run – 42:42. Fifth place overall. Data from Garmin.

Nicely spent weekend ))

Lebedev Family in New York

After 2 mile race in New York, 2015. Stutisheel, Alakananda, Dmytro Lebedev – 3 generations!

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