Closing race of a season – Stutisheel’s fourth place in 10K in New York

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On November 19th, Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team organized the traditional 5K and 10K races that took place in New York’s Flushing Meadows Corona Park. Also – the fun starts for children.

It was the last fine day of the leaving autumn – the temperature was at 13С, sunny, and very beautiful. The park was full of diverse rich autumn colors, and a light breeze was chasing the falling leaves. By tradition, we had a great atmosphere at the competition by the Marathon Team. There were about 300 runners gathered for the two events, representing four countries.

For me, the 10K is a sprint distance with great intensity and much high heart rate. I’m always cautious when such a start approaches, because I favor long-distance running, where endurance is needed. However, this time, everything happened with no extra tension or effort, in fact, for the last 300 meters I was competing for the third place, but lost 2 seconds. After the finish, the second-placer and I shook hands, acknowledging that everybody did their best. I got fourth place overall with the time of 40 minutes and 58 seconds. My average heart rate was 177 bpm! But it definitely felt like I ran with more ease, in comparison to last time on May 19; that 10K race was a part of my preparation for the 3100-Mile Race during the summer.

In general, it was a wonderful day, great running company, and uplifting spirit! The official competitive 2016 season can most likely be considered closed for me at this point. In addition to various “small” starts during the year I had a really great marathon finish (3 hours and 16 minutes), 2604 completed miles in 3100-Mile Race, which I have been a part of for 12 years now; fourth place in the 47 mile race (7 hours and 12 minutes), and fifth place in the Swim (1K) and Run (10K) – 1 hour 5 minutes.

Trainings and life go on :)

Stutisheel Oleg Lebedev

10K in New York Stutisheel

All results of the 5K and 10K races
Garmin data of my race

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