3100-mile race preparation summary

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This year, I had much better conditions for running – I trained all winter in Florida, USA, where the summer never ends. January-February, I was still “resting”, making about 50K per week – running and biking. Since March I began to increase the volumes – 30K trainings appeared in my schedule, thus increasing my week total up to 100-120K. In April I ran a control marathon in a time of 3:31 and then made a 10-day break for the cleansing Madal Bal diet. During the diet I was not exercising much as detox is most effective while relaxed state. And it was the only period when I could do the diet without much damage for training – I still had an intense schedule in May ahead.

In May, my goal was to get used to run a lot and recover quickly. I ran six days a week and I also had a dedicated day for speed-ups training. At the peak, I had the following training set:

Wed – 17 km, pace 6:07 min/km
Thu – 10 km, speed-ups at the pace 4 min/km
Fri – 24 km, pace 6:02 min/km
Sat – 70 km, pace of 6:19 min/km, average heart rate 123 (+ 33C, 80% humidity)
Su – 45 km relaxed , pace 6:32 min/km
Mon – 11 km, pace of 6:13 min/km
Tue – rest

A full May trainings you can see below.
Подготовка к пробегу 3100 миль. Май 2015, Стутишил Лебедев

I had 710K in total for May, with three weeks above 100 miles. For the most trainings I experienced a huge positive drive!

Summer in Florida “came” one month earlier and after one long race, when I “hit” the heat wall, I was compelled to use a set of measures to help the body cope with extreme conditions: + 34C and 80% humidity. I call it “tablet from the heat” – will talk about this later. But in general, even though the conditions were extreme, they were perfectly reproducing combat conditions of 3100 miles – it was for my benefit.

После тренировки на 70 км, Стутишил
After a 70K workout, the salt even on shorts

That was the outer part of the preparation. I was also lucky to have rich inner part as well: I visited Bali and Java for intense spiritual practice in February, and in April I joined the celebration in New York of the anniversary of the Sri Chinmoy’s arrival in the West in 1964. It all fit ideally my holistic plan of preparation for the start in 3100-mile race this year.

I can say – I did my homework. What will happen at the race is unpredictable. This is the most interesting part ). You must be ready for anything. We did not have any race with ideal outer surroundings: once they paved the asphalt on Highway, once – they repaired concrete sidewalks, once they made artificial surface in the sport field… And now college, around which we run, all in scaffolding. The reconstruction will last most of the summer, and that means – dust, noise, tracks … But among the advantages – protection from the sun and rain. In general – a real urban multi-day race, as race director Rupantar is calling 3100-mile event.

My body
NEVER started the race. 
My vital
Died along the way. 
My mind 
Gave up after covering half the distance. 
My heart
Is still running in spite
Of tremendous fatigue and weariness
My soul
Is watching my poor heart
My Supreme
Is beckoning my brave heart

~ Sri Chinmoy

Start is on June 14, 6 am New York time

Follow the race at the blog www.3100.Lebedev.org.ua

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